Sunday, April 15, 2012

Take the spring into your house

After the white cold and dark winter months I was starving for the colors and odour of the spring.  We love healthy food, bio vegatables, thus we grown for our own consumption. You don't really need a farm to grow your own veggies - even in block of flat it is possible to plant at least spice plants and  vegatables, which does not require much space. Good choice could be for example the tomato trellis and hanging strawberry. 
With Pat we had collected lots of egg cartons with transparent lid. With a strong scissors we shaped the egg carton to fit into the plastic lid and put potting soil into. After watering we pushed gently the seeds into the soil, according to the type of specificities. As you finished planting, you could either temperate  covering plastic wrap, or putting another plastic lid onto it. Make sure keeping damp enoguh and giving proper light and warm to the seeds, and soon you could admire the appearing small germs. 
I have heard about a plant, which could be used to sweeten your food and drink instead of sugar - this is the stevia. This year we gave it a try and ordered some seeds. We plant it as the description required and after 3 days, the germs appeared. 
Let's coulour our home with useful plants also!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

I have opened a Facebook profile recently - the MoonLight Wardrobe. As my everyday tasks let me realize my plans, gradually will upload the pictures of my creations - erotic jewelry, dresses and accessories. Please push a like on my page. You could follow me on Twitter as well.