Sunday, April 15, 2012

Take the spring into your house

After the white cold and dark winter months I was starving for the colors and odour of the spring.  We love healthy food, bio vegatables, thus we grown for our own consumption. You don't really need a farm to grow your own veggies - even in block of flat it is possible to plant at least spice plants and  vegatables, which does not require much space. Good choice could be for example the tomato trellis and hanging strawberry. 
With Pat we had collected lots of egg cartons with transparent lid. With a strong scissors we shaped the egg carton to fit into the plastic lid and put potting soil into. After watering we pushed gently the seeds into the soil, according to the type of specificities. As you finished planting, you could either temperate  covering plastic wrap, or putting another plastic lid onto it. Make sure keeping damp enoguh and giving proper light and warm to the seeds, and soon you could admire the appearing small germs. 
I have heard about a plant, which could be used to sweeten your food and drink instead of sugar - this is the stevia. This year we gave it a try and ordered some seeds. We plant it as the description required and after 3 days, the germs appeared. 
Let's coulour our home with useful plants also!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

I have opened a Facebook profile recently - the MoonLight Wardrobe. As my everyday tasks let me realize my plans, gradually will upload the pictures of my creations - erotic jewelry, dresses and accessories. Please push a like on my page. You could follow me on Twitter as well.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Creative Design Magazin

 I have to apologize for neglecting my blog. Due to my handcraft activity I was very busy in these days. After I had made my last blog entry, I met with one of my hungarian acquintance, who is dealing with jewelry making and other creative hobbies. This friend of mine after long years of learning and some years of teaching was asked to make a crative hobby magazin. As she knows lots of intresting people with different trades and hobbies, organized a bimonthly magazin, which gives practical information about how to make your own things from jewelry to inner architecture artifacts. She loved my products, thus offered a permanent columns - the topic will be the goth and fairy fashion for everybody. It was published already in hungarian language and the english version will have been available on the next week. In this issue I have made a set - a black lace beaded choker with matching earrings, belt and handbag.

You could buy the magazin on the following link now in hungarian, on the next week in english:

Saturday, March 12, 2011

DIY gaining place

During my long illness I have seriously engaged some handcraft activities - as jewelry making, sewing, creating subjects of inner architecture.  After several try and failure started to feel more and more exciting to realize my thoughts and ideas in earrings, necklaces, rings, and after in some dressing items.
Our family members and friends were really astonished, and liked my products - thus I was asked to crate a jewelry set for a bridal ceremony. Above all they found out, that it would be great, if I make a bejewelled bra for the bride...

The making of the beaded bra was quite interesting, as a matter of fact I had prepared a net from rainbow (AB) japanese seed beads, and sewed it to the bra after it was finished. The straps is made from doubled line of crystal clear strech elastic beading cord and bigger (8/0) glass round beads (partlyAB).
One of our friends, who does belly-dancing had seen this bra and suggested me to make a belly-dancer bra, I had the basic idea, as soon as it will have been finished, I will show it in my blog.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Now is time for the Carnival season. Yesterday evening we were in a ball where the athmosphere was hígh enough.
I was squatting in this armchair, while Pat finished the dressing. Pat grabbed the camera and made a snapshot :)
Before leaving I completed my make-up, put on my heels and we started to the ball.
When we begin the drive it had turned on, that one of the back wheel could not move. Pat stopped the car, and we were trying to find some solution. One of our neighbour helped us with and advice. I had get some hot water in a  bucket and poured it to the immovable wheel. Just imagine - in a prom dress and heels. Pat drove the car away and changed breaking and stepping on it, till she reached to the corner, the handbrake had released the wheel.

Useful advice: when the weather is too cold, and freezing, never use the handbreak!
On the other hand you could even try what helped us out from the trouble.

The ball made us forget the rumpus. We had wonderful time dancing in each others arms.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

After all weeks work again I had the possibility to relax with a good book. We had made an exotic dish due to Pat cut her ring finger. As later it has to be iced, Pat get diffrent packs of frozen fruits from the fridge. At least she thought that all were fruits. A small pack turned out to be ready made snails. We thought that it is high time to cook a special italian dish - snail risotto. 

Here is the recipe:

Stew optionally flavored1 kg of purified snail with onion, salt, pepper, cloves, a small spoonful of tomato puree, butter, oil, white or red wine. The cooking time is approx. two hours. Stir constantly until a thick sauce is obtained. Grind the whole thing. Put rice and add water as necessary, or broth. Finally add a spoonful of cream, grated cheese to taste and parsley. 

It is worth to try, for our opinion is is delicious!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Pat's pet

In this weekend we have tried few toys.
If possible we would like to make these gadgets by ourselves.
In the left side of the picture (on the pillow), you could see my favorite caressing tool which was made by me.
When Pat patting me with it, this is the most sensual joy.
On the other hand making it is very simple.

Necessary components:

- cca 12-15 mm thick, 30-35 cm long glass fiber tube
- 1 hank of soft raffia (silver colour)
- hobby glue
- leather stripe cca 10 mm wide, 1 m long
- self-adhesive plastic stripe (silver colour)
- a piece of wire

Take the soft raffia and wrap around your palm. When you think it is enough, tie together the wrapping, and tie together again from outside and cut through the wrap (opposite to the knot). Comb it with dense comb for soft and thin fibers.
Get the wire and lace through the tied end of the tassel and twin it.
Glue it and insert into the hole of the tube.
After drying wrap around the tube with the leather stripe in spiral. Glue the starting and after the wrapping the finishing end to the tube.
Take the self-adhesive plastic stripe and decorate the handle by your taste.
You could use alternative materials intstead the glassfiber tube f/e bamboo rod or soft plastic tube.

Have a great caressing play!